Maggie, a little of everything, a lot of terrier attitude, age 11
My family always had dogs when I was growing up, but Maggie has the distinction of being my personal first dog. She has changed my life in more ways than even I realize. Her love for life, her fire and her heart showed in every activity we have tackled together over the years. Together we trained in agility, flyball, disc dog, competition obedience, rally obedience, and musical freestyle.
Maggie placed first or second in every trial she attended. Her trial career was cut unbelievably short by a very painful shoulder injury; she could have returned after rehab but I wanted to be very conservative and didn't want her to risk reinjury. At the time this was a heartbreaking decision.
Now at age 11, recovered from that injury years ago and in excellent shape, she is still going after her frisbee with passion, hiking, swimming and enjoying life in her very athletic, sound body. Maggie has been assisting me in group classes and private lessons for the past 9 years. She helps in my work with dog-reactive dogs and is my official 'tester dog' when I evaluate dogs for border collie rescue. Since she had anxiety-related aggression both to dogs and people when she first joined the family, I am so proud of how far she has come and how very much she has accomplished. I couldn't ever ask for a better partner.
